Choose your character and progress through an endless amount of randomly generated stages, and collect power-ups to... well... power up.

Only 2 sets of enemies and 3 stages, but there are 15 characters to unlock and play (you get 4 by default), 44 items, and 13 pets to add a lot of variety to each run!

This will probably be very buggy (because it was buggy in scratch), but I'm already working on V4.0 and most of the bugs you might encounter are already fixed. Here are some things you'll want to remember though:

  • Avoid the Nanobullets item - It will make your bullets non-existent, don't collect it
  • The purple sparkly owl - they teleport when they take damage but they can teleport outside the map, making them impossible to kill.
  • The burn - this one is harder to come across, but sometimes if something on the screen is burning while touching a wall, they'll glitch out and freeze the game.

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